Category Archives: Society

Gender 1(1): what really does it mean? What qualifies a person as a man, woman or neither?

In brief view, we shall examine the following:

– Sex and Gender
– Gender stereotype and roles
– The origins of gender stereotype


Gender refers to the socially constructed categorisation of individuals into masculine and feminine. Unlike gender which is a social constraint, SEX on the other hand refers to the categorisation of an individual on the basis of the genetic materials they produce during sexual reproduction or intercourse. Masculine and feminine are gender categories, while male and female are sex categories. Thus, sexes are biological categorisation of individuals based on their reproductive responsibilities and capabilities and gender are social categorisation of males and females into defined roles and responsibilities. Further differentiation of gender and sex can be broken thus


Men have the XY chromosomes while women have the XX chromosomes
Women menstruate, men do not
Women have vaginas, men have penises
Women develop breasts, men do not.
Men have testicles, women do not.


In most places in the world, men do not do babysitting; it is presumed a female responsibility.
In many places, women wear high heels, long nail, and skirts, men do not.
In Saudi Arabia, women are not allowed to drive and in many other places they are not allowed to participate in politics and certain trade.

THE CONCEPT OF SEX: What defines an individual as a male or female or neither?

Members of species of living organisms across all domains are divided into 2 or more categories and it is based on the complimentary materials they are capable of reproducing during sexual reproduction. Typically, species of living organisms have the male and female sexes. The female sex is defined as the individual who produces the larger gamete, that is, the one which is capable of bearing offspring. Sex is primarily based on the reproductive capability of individual specie.

In plant kingdoms, species are mostly hermaphrodite that is, they bear both the male and female reproductive capabilities. In other cases some individual species bear single gametes the case may be. However, in the animal kingdom, sexes differ in broadways across species. In mammals for example in humans, sex is determined by the X and Y chromosomes (XX for females, XY for males), thus making the sex in human a dichotomous one. All individuals in the human species have at least one X chromosome. The Y chromosome is shorter than the X.


Gender roles and stereotype is more or less a cultural dictum of modalities, etiquettes, instructions, mannerism, responsibilities, etc. which men and women are expected of. Without gender, there cannot be any gender role and stereotype. Gender stereotype are laid down social manuscripts which men and women are required to correspond with. They are culturally defined social standards of relations between male and female. What is obtained as a gender acceptable norm in one society may not be obtained in the another, however, gender stereotype and roles are universal and are culturally distinct from the other and most times very similar.

In Saudi Arabia, where women are not allowed to drive, engage in active politics or be ambitions, which are culturally induced, is not obtainable in Western societies where such perceptions are frown at. Thus, gender stereotypes and roles are culturally induced standards of behaviour and relations for the sexes. If individuals put up behaviours that do not confirm to these perceived standards of their gender, the social consequences maybe unpleasant. For example, in Africa where nail painting is a feminine fashion, a man who paints his nails may get a backlash and negative label from those around him.

Generally, gender stereotype cuts across cultures and domains. In a study by Williams and Best (1982) across 30 countries, stereotyping of females and males are pervasive. Men are generally believed to be more dominant, independent, aggressive and achievement-oriented while females are believed to be nurturing, affiliative, sensitive, gentle, etc. In another study by Williams and Best (1989), men and women who lived in highly developed countries perceived themselves as being more similar than their counterparts in less developed countries. A simple explanation for this is that women are more educated and independent in developed countries than their counterparts in less developed countries. Also, respondents in Christian societies were more likely to perceive similarities between the sexes than those from Muslim countries.

One may wonder: HOW and WHERE do these gender stereotypes come from?

Gender role learning and subsequently stereotype are rooted in socialization. Socialization is simply the process where the norms, beliefs, culture, perceptions, sentiments, etc of a social enclave are passed onto their members. The primary agents of socialization of gender role and subsequently, gender stereotype are: FAMILY, EDUCATION, PEER GROUP AND THE MASS MEDIA. Each of these agents services the commonly perceived gender roles and images in the minds of the members of a given society, thus setting standards and expectations of what is generally perceived as suitable for male and female. Other agents of socialization are religious organizations, social gatherings, workplace, etc.

Repeated exposure to cues from these agents of socialization elicits the individual’s perception that what he or she defines as the right or suitable gender attitude is natural, but unknown to him or her, he or she is simply a product of social conditioning. Thus, the socially accepted standards of behaviours and roles for a gender is nothing more than indoctrinated perception from social construction as a result of our repetitive interaction with the above agents of socialization. Thus, gender role can be defined as set of behavioural and social norms that are considered as generally appropriate for a man or woman. A typical example in Africa is that it is inappropriate for a woman to make passes at a man, specifically, to chase after a man. The people in these societies adhere to this and see such conception as a natural standard for gender interpersonal relationships, but these are individuals unknown to them are merely acting on a false sense of natural dictum rather than socialized sentiments.

Stereotypes generally come with negativity. The negative stereotype that emanates from gender leads to sexism- the discrimination of a person based on their gender. Women are mostly are on the receiving end of the negativity of gender. These stereotypes have evolved from the old type typical backlash of women as being less smart, less competent, less responsible, and less creative than men to the modern form of sexism which merely deals on the denial of sexism. Although in less develop countries in Africa and the middle East in particular, some these old type of sexism persists, like women being refused into political participation, jobs, violence and abuse. In places like Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere, women are objectified as sex objects and household pets. The recognition for their talents, capabilities and roles outside the home and marriage is often frowning at violently opposed.

Voodoo Christianity

Sometime ago, some religitard girl came to my inbox and started casting demon from me. She started attacking imaginary demons to fly out from me. That fire should catch my eyes, thunder should make me fall from behind my screen. It was in the night she sent these messages. She said that night, that God will strike me down dead except I accept Jesus. At the same time she thinks she is different from Boko Haram and that in short, I am the Devil.

The next day around 11 in the morning, she sent me a message checking whether I am still alive. I responded with a message that she should grow up and that her evil fantasies have exposed her mind as the surest evidence that religion gives people evil obsessions especially towards other life forms. That time I began writing against religion newly.

This good Christian woman, Damian Barbara began cursing me and my family- someone who I’ve never known anywhere except on Facebook. The hate was passionate and truly had it been her sky daddy answered any prayers, that woman’s faith- the arrogant certainty that her God will strike me dead would have been a testimony in her church and elsewhere.

To sum up the inanity, she added that she’s doing all this because of the Love of God to save my soul. “Cursing me, wishing me dead, threatening me and insulting my family is what you call the love of God and gospel?” I was finally enraged, because at first I was laughing and responding with sarcasm.

“If what you did here is what the love of God is about”. “I don’t need such love and may I never love anyone in this manner”, I said.

Why the tale?

The truth is, majority of the Christian population in Nigeria are this way. If you’re a Nigerian Christian and you haven’t prayed to your imaginary doodle to strike someone or punish anyone for you, then you’re a Nigerian Christian in the 1960s backwards. For these ones which I know of in this my age, you people are Boko haram with no guns and bombs. You and Abubakar are of the same sentiments and mental projections.

You don’t have to behead people to know you’re like him, but as long as you harbour malicious content in your imaginations towards another especially a non believer like me, you and Shekau are of the same mental class.

For example, if I should die now, a great number of believers will partake on the testimony that God killed me. Which God? Their God certainly. And that is kind of testimonies they celebrate in Nigerian churches- that their witch uncles, parents, step siblings, colleagues, etc who wanted to steal their destiny or what have you fell down and died because of their prayers. Yet they forget that they live in an economy that kills them slowly, that’s why life expectancy is very low, because religion, like a virus, it kills the mind of its host.

The Psychology of Social media 1 : Why are some people aggressive on social media?


It is not new to the hearing that the social media is a sort of beehive for all manner of individuals. Individuals, as we knnow, are baggage of different personalities.

In psychology, personality is defined as the configuration of distinctive characteristics, behavior, traits, attitudes etc of an individual which are considerably persistent, distinguishing the individual from another.

People are on social media for a variety of reasons. As the reasons differ, so do their awareness of such reasons. Some are on social media as a result of boredom, stress, depression, or other terrifying personal issues like sadness, self-esteem, tragedy etc.

That is not to say all are on social media because they have problems to deal with. We have people on social media purely for the “socialness” of it; for marketing, promotion, networking, exposure or for getting information of latest events. Social psychologists have identified the use of social media as a form of hobby and addiction.

Humans always drag pieces of their personalities and well being into any social environment. As such, we see the mad, insolent, bitter, smiling face, the carefree, the grandeur, just to name a handful.

One set of people I do want to draw attention to are the conflict personalities. Observable on social media are those who have hard time keeping an amicable relationship with others

This is very typical on social media platforms like Facebook, where people interact in a more personal context. Such individuals exhibit behaviours of unnecessary insolence, bitterness, anger and intolerance of opinion of others. They find it difficult to maintain a decent conversation or disagreement with others on social media. They often have no difficulty in the use of abusive and derogatory words.

What possibly could be the cause of this?

The reasons are many but top on the list is mental health. Yes, it takes a mentally unhealthy person to have a consistent relationship of conflicts. Fighting and quarreling consistently on social media is a clear sign that one is not socially and mentally healthy.

Poor mental health is a term people interprete as some kind of break down of brain functions. Not necessarily is the case. One can have good cognitive skills, verbal and articulatory processes but a very terrible social life. Neuroticism can be an instance.

Neuroticism is a disorder characterized by excessive anxiety. Neurotic individuals are normal people with normal lives. But what is not normal about them is their response to issues. It is difficult to be neurotic and maintain healthy relationships. This pervades into the social media. Neuroticism comes with the gift of temperamental imbalance, accompanied by undisciplined emotions such as carelessness of the tongue, rude remarks, fighting etc. In short, if you’re neurotic, you’ll be blocking people indiscriminately on social media.

Neurotic personalities on social media have a hard time communicating their opinions, disagreements on subjects with others amicably. Their aggression poisons everything.

Another reason some exhibit behaviours of conflict is due to personal stressors. This could be marital stress, job stress, family stress etc. These stressors may invariably evolve into frustration. People who are unhappy about their lives will unconsciously project their unhappiness and bitterness at others.

Research has shown that frustration can increase the probability of an aggressive response. This is very imminent when the frustration is unpleasant.

However, this is subject to individual differences. Some people have a disciplined ego which keeps their emotions from wandering bitterly against others. But others don’t.

Self-esteem is another factor. Individuals with low self esteem in real life often resort to social media as a form of compensation for their self esteem and other issues in real life. They may resort to the use of phantom names and photos as a form of anonymity, where they can confidently express themselves or hit on others without fear of retribution- something they are unable to do in real life. Thus, social media is a means for role play for such individuals. It is unsurprising to find that a lot of folks who display unnecessary insolence and tongue-lashing roles on social media are actually shy people who barely can confidently look people in the eyes to speak.

On the physiological point of view, aggressive behaviour whether physical or verbal can be influenced by certain chemicals known as neurotransmitters. For example serotonin a neurotransmitter that plays a role in inhibiting impulsive aggression, when disrupted, aggressive behaviour becomes increasingly rampant. Research have shown that violent criminals have particularly low levels of serotonin. They same can be said of neurotic individuals. And so, when such individuals come on social media, their physiological disruption in these chemicals like serotonin, will naturally make them act impulsively aggressive at others when not necessary.

Sometimes when you see a person who is consistent at being unnecessarily bitter, confrontational, angry at others not only on social media but in real life, it may be they are passing through a lot which unconsciously project their nasty attitudes. In cases as this, they are to be understood and be patient with. The use of positive words and appealing to their conscious mind that they are not behaving well can be a good way to sort things out.

Recommending they see a psychologist is the best option. Resorting to negative responses do not solve the problem.

However, in cases where the individual is a pure sociopath- individuals who are sadistic, unconcerned about the emotions of others, the best is often to completely avoid them.

Imoh Son Of David is the author of the best selling book The Ultimate Curse on Mankind.

Atheists Are Demon Possessed!

I read a comment on a Facebook post where someone said “Atheists are demons.” I am an atheist and it can only be offensive to me as calling me a unicorn. And such an offense will only provoke me to more laughter and entertaining ridicule. That is why I love listening to religitards in their description of atheists; nothing more compensating of a rich humor is equal to hearing the opinion of a religitard on what atheism is. And I’ll really love to take my laughter even further…
First of all, have anyone noticed that it is the practice of the religitard to explain a reality with a very unrealistic proposition? An atheist is a realist, but pass the mic of explanation to the religitard, he says it is a demon. What the hell is a demon? An imaginary evil bad guy in the mental movie of the religitard, possessing supernatural powers and schemes to cause harm. Lol.
Pass on that same mic to an atheist like myself to define a religitard. I’ll simply say it is one that is not only highly deluded but allows his/her delusion drive them to the extremes of destruction of his mental abilities and human essence.
What is the difference between my opinion and that of the former which is birth by a religitard? Evidence! Unlike the religitard, who can never proof to us the existence of his imaginary enemy which he alludes to me (the atheist), except in fancy drawings and comic illustrations, bearing horns and an arrow-headed tail, and most times dark skin, which I personally find very offensive to me as a dark skin race human specie. It is offensive to attribute your imaginary illustration of evil to my skin color. That’s why I spare not in my assault on religious madness.
Because it insults me without reservation. I only return the favor to the first respondent.
Now, if you ask me to show you evidence of my description of a religitard, I’ll begin with my country Nigeria, chorused to be the most religion place on earth- a country where 99% of its population are theists and 80% are definitely religitards, surpassing Donald Trump standards.
Now, my country, being occupied by a population of great religitards, we’ve never had one nobel, pulitzer or whatever awards in the sciences. Only the likes of Wole Soyinka and Chinue Achebe have saved our faces by being great literary icons because of their outstanding novels that stand the test of time. That was in the 70s, 80s, at the time, we were not as religious as we are now, because the Western subversion was still ongoing. Now their medicine has perfectly worked on us. Now, we are madder than those brought the religion to us by force and fraud.
That’s one, this is a country that is ranked international as the 7th dumbest nation on earth. Yes, I confirm this to be a dishonest generosity of an undeserving accolade. Because, this is the only country where one of its most powerful and respectable icons, a Pastor, named Adeboye, a former mathematics/statics lecturer in the University told people that he drove from Benin to Lagos without a fuel, because God told him to obey his voice. They clapped and believed him. Do you know the distance between Benin and Lagos? I don’t even wanna go there, you won’t forgive our intelligence.
In this same country, a minister of power said that the cause of our monumental epileptic power outage is because these same DEMONS are attacking our power supply. His solution? We should pray. And of course, that’s the best love song you can play to an average Nigerian- “Let us pray”. The minister comfortably served his tenure peacefully and nobody complained.
The most religious nations on earth are struck by poverty, threatening illiteracy, crime, corruption, women and child abuse and above all, chaos.
If I should go on, we will sleep on this post.
But I have provided a resounding evidence. But the religitard have a natural problem of evidence provision. And so, when some of us call them deluded and religitards, they now turn around accuse of being arrogant and verbally abusive.

Tell me how labelling a real human being an imaginary demon is not being arrogant without providing evidence to it? That is how they’ve been going about it and killing people accused of witchcraft in the dark ages, which they still do in this religitard nation!

Have you ever heard an atheist being delivered of demons before? Is it not always the religitard that is always delivered from imaginary demons by other religitards? No wonder their immediate environment is always looking demon haunted. Only people that are possessed by demons drop bombs on others to proof whose imaginary friend rocks the best Nike sneakers of celestial standard.
Atheists that I know which they accuse of being demon possessed have never led a crusade or jihad to behead anyone. Is this how bad a demon possessed individual like us can be? May we be demon possessed and be good humans. Demon-possessed is the new good. I am demon-possessed and proud. You are not demon-possessed but you’re deluded and social retard. May I be demon possessed for the good of humanity.

Dear Nigerians, You Cannot Force A Man To Love What He Is Fed Up With

There is something I cannot get my head wrapped around some Yoruba and Hausa folks on the internet- their obsession with the Ndi Igbos. They seem to have this mentality that anything the Igbos community does is a threat to them. They think that they have an obligation to always be against whatever the interest and plight of the Igbos are. Whether such a mentality is conscious or subconscious, I find it very silly.
What really is their business with the Igbo man’s self-agitation? Some of you should just learn to admit it that you don’t just like the Igbos for anything. And will never like them. Yes we know you don’t like them and that is your personal right of dislike, but why are you self-obsessed about the agitation of their community and people?
Let’s be frank. A lot of you would rather die than see an Igbo President of this Banana republic. And a lot of you derive this orgasmic satisfaction from the political marginalization of the group. Fine you don’t want to ever see that the Igbo man smell power in Nigeria, I understand that you don’t trust them and probably dislike them greatly. But why the heck are you against them leaving the same country that is making mockery of their collective entity?
The same country which you are part of that hates the Igbo man, is what you encourage to force the Igbo man to be part of? Why do you people love forced marriages and abusive relationships in Nigeria? This Nigerian mentality of forced marriages and abusive relationship that marriage must stand and continue even if the couple are in tearing each other into shreds has catapulted into our national subconsciousness in politics and sociology. Dear Nigeria, you cannot force a man or a group to love what they are fed up with.
I used to think that if you don’t like a thing or person, you would throw them out or let them just leave. But not in Nigeria. The more the dislike, the more the obsessive compulsion to keep it to one self, thus, the more they dislike the Ndi Igbo community, the more they wish ensure their failure in their self-determination. Okay fine, you don’t want the Biafra movement to succeed, and the same time, you don’t want the Igbos to have a political weight and future. Then, my question is this: WHAT DO YOU WANT THEM TO STAY IN NIGERIA AND DO WITH YOU IN NIGERIA? To scrub your toilets? Continually listen to your ethnic bashing and bickering and all forms of senseless mockery because Buhari and the APC won the elections. Because this is the first time the Igbos have voted in Nigeria, right? You have called them rogues, thieves, wailers, fools, loosers, slaves, etc. Why don’t you let the rogues go their way? Or do you love keeping rogues to yourselves?

A lot of you have mentioned Nnamdi Kanu’s names more than an average Igbo man. What for exactly? I thought you said he is a clown. But you are so obsessed about his joke. Biafra, is now mocked as BIAFRAUD by you, but you can’t sleep a night without talking about the movement. I don’t get you people at all. If something is a joke, why then pay so much participatory attention to it? Is that suppose to be a joke on your part?
First of all they said Nnamdi Kanu should come to Nigeria if he is serious. He came and he got arrested, they celebrated, calling him daft for showing up to the same Nigeria they asked him to come to if he means business.

They used to say that those agitating are noise makers that they should stop ranting on the radio and go to the streets. They did just that and in a peaceful way, someone got shot by the police. You celebrated and said they deserve it. You see nothing wrong about the police shooting a peaceful protest. Okay I get it, when the police shoots at anything Biafra, then they are right.
Now tell me, how times have you heard in the past, let’s just say 2011 that the police shot and killed angry protesters in the North who were burning churches, Christians, Southerners because they were mad that Buhari lost the elections? Tell me just one person that was in jail because of that incident. Tell me where Adamu Ciroma, Lawal Kaita and of course the one who is now President, that were calling for blood and threatening fire and brimstone to dogs and baboons in the public? Whose blood were they calling for? So you really expect an Igbo man to sit quietly in the unfolding of such abusive and mockery of events and be happy?
Do you know how many times the Igbos have been killed in the North, beheaded and bantered beyond repairs? Is that not enough to provoke anyone? We should even be thanking them for being peaceful. Who suffers such a territorial humiliation and ethnic prejudice and still remains a peaceful neighbor? Who else have had millions of its people killed in “another man’s land” like the Igbos and yet remain without vengeance?
You people keep talking about one Nigeria. And how Nigeria is every man’s land. Which every man’s land? It is every man’s land and yet we hear people in Yoruba land angry that there is an Eze Igbo in their land. Which one is now the so called “everybody’s land” you are talking about? Can a man be slaughtered like a ram in his own land?
The agitation of the Igbos are real and substantial. What has happened to them since this union was created have never been to their own good. You say it will bad for the Igbos to leave and that it is the biggest mistake of a decision they can make. Oh! You suddenly now care about the Igbos? You are worried that they can make a mistake that is not in their interest? The same people you slaughter like rams in “Everyman’s Land”?
Please let the Igbo man be. His cross is his to carry. And I will always ask, What do you really want from the Igbos, Nigeria?

Is The Church Useful?

Once a time in a certain city or should I call it a town, in Nigeria…….


There was high crime rate……………… The night was a feast for the sons of Dracula. Unlike their father who possessed skinny soul-searching fangs, these evil sons had on them dangerous metals with the talent of a catapult. Guns, is that what humans call it?

They preyed on the peace of other men in the city. If you’re a woman, once the sun seem to be reading his handover note for the day, you begin looking up in the sky, praying, “may this not be the day the burglars will break into my wet vessels with their erect sticks of terror.”


Due to the terror, everyone kept a date with their homes before 6PM. Adulterous husband repented. Who says thieves don’t win souls?
Well, not everybody respected the body language of the social Generals………. The church!
Of course the pastor was more concerned about his greedy tray of God. And so churchgoers did their thing. “The earth is the Lord’s”, they proclaimed. And of course the Lord also said that “the young lion shall not be hungry.” Too unfair was the blessing of the lord that he never took to consideration that his “madtards” will be the food for the young lions.


And so, “spiritual sister” Ekaette, Sister “tongue-speaking” Rita the ritard and Sister Blessing “I am Mary-incarnate” got raped so many times than the atheist can handle “Jesus is Coming Soon” poetry. But they kept going to church and the young lions kept eating.
“It is persecution, they said. “God is testing our faith” they posited. “It is the work of the Devil” explained the pulpit parrot. “Give more offerings and seeds for His protection”, he charged.
Nobody asked why armed men keeps attacking them on their way to and fro church. Nobody asked why haven’t God answered our prayers and keeps allowing armed robbers rob and tape us. You know asking pertinent questions is a disability to the religious.

Of course, in Nigeria, better be assured a Donald Trump sensibility than the intervention of the Nigerian police at a crime scene.


Meanwhile, the churches refused to spare their worshipers the terror by calling quits with night activities. “We must worship our God” is the motto.

Those who stayed back home were preached at by the pastor that they are fake believers and of course hell awaits them for being sensible with their feet.


To put an end to the social mess for all, the city’s government imposed a no movement time 7PM till 7AM. Everyone but the Church supported this. “This is end time!”, “The anti-christ is here”, “You are fighting the church”, “The governor must die for this” etc. We all know their usual line of uproar.


Ladies and gentlemen, this is the so called Kingdom of God called the church. They consider themselves an assert to humanity. As we can see in the event above, they are truly an assert. No doubt. And I’m sure they must be so reasonable and useful to you, right?

By Imoh “Son of David”

Dear African Christians Stop The Destruction of African Cultural Heritage Sites and Shrines

I am very pained when I see certain things in this part of the world. Very pained, I am, that I do not know how best to burst into a rage of considerable decency. But damn whatever so called self-imagined decency in expression! The stupidity I see daily in this Banana Republic is unbearably nauseating. I am pained, and it is an understatement.

First of all, today, I came across a University lecture, where a doctorate degree lecturer for that matter was confidently giving provocative lecture notes to students on the origin of the Igbos and Ibibios. The Igbos and Ibibios, he said are one of the lost 10 tribes of Israel. And his source, a passage in bible from the book of Ezekiel.

Quoting from an unknown religitard source he taught:

“The word “Igbo” is a contrast of the word “Hebrew” being pronounced “HEEBO” which is popularly called Igbo.” And that the Ibibios are also one of the lost tribes of black Essene Hebrews who escaped humiliation from Israel to Africa where they settled. The students erupted in standing ovation that they are kinsmen with Solomon, Joseph and Jesus, whom he said were Essene Jews.

That one passed.

Again, I saw a photo on facebook of a pastor burning down a heritage shrine in a local community and people were busy standing by watching and clapping.

It is no longer news that wherever the Abrahamic religion is found, the people in that vicinity start suffering from identity crisis and their culture slowly becomes extinct alongside with their sense of reasoning.

Now listen…

If you people supervise arson on cultural heritage sites and call this religious freedom, then you people are truly the most foolish people that have existed on earth! Nobody that is progressive and sensible destroys a cultural heritage site or shrine. It is only the madness of Abrahamic evangelism and jihadism that is the sole practisioner of such inanity. They did it to the Library of Alexanderia, destroyed every trace of African and indigenous civilizations and cultural heritage wherever they set foot on. But it was done by foreigners, but today it is those who were enslaved by this same oppresive dogma that are the ones using their hands to destroy themselves.

All over the world in saner climes, heritage sites are protected greatly. Go to China, Japan, Israel, Tibet, Greece, Spain and even England, just to name a few. Greece makes a lot of money from tourists trooping in to catch a glimpse of their pagan heritage sites, but here, what do we do? We allow foolish pulpit parrots in suit and tie to destroy our senses and our cultural heritage all in the name of Jewish superstitions.

Preachers do not bring anything meaningful to any society! Above everything else, they destroy the place with their arrogant foolishness and superstitions, besides looting from the people. Your so called Bishop Oyedepo was chased out of England and banned from ever returning, why?
Because they know how destructive it is to their society to allow such fraudulent characters to maraud all over the place. But this same UK, they are holding captive, hundreds if not thousands of ancient Nigerian artifacts and they do not want to return them. What does this mean? They know what an asset is and assign the proper value of things to them. And so, they send the gibberish back to us to keep destroying the gullible society while on the other hand, they keep the priceless ones in their museums. How comforting.

Burning down cultural sites and shrines does not proof your imaginary sky daddy exists, it only proofs how violent of a terrorism your silly ideology is portentous for the society. Afterall, Boko Haram burn down churches and behead pastors and worshipers in their places of worships, that they have to hire to security forces to help their sky-daddy protect them in his house and of course his offerings.

Worship your imaginary sky-janitor if you want to. But let it end in the walls of your mad houses. Leave African heritage sites and shrines to be. If you do not know the importance of an heritage site, just look on and amble away with your deep foolishness and irredeemable ignorance and allow those who know its importance to appreciate it. If it were in a saner clime that foolish preacher would have been locked away behind bars.

By Imoh “Son of David”

Dear Nigeria, What Do You Want From The Igbos?

The Igbo speaking people of Nigeria asked for Biafra but Nigeria refused and said the country must be one.

A Dutch man drew a cartoon of Mohammed in faraway Denmark, you people go around killing the Igbos and destroying their properties in the North.

Philips Emegwali invents a super-fast computer, you say a “Nigerian” invents. Igbo student in diaspora makes good grades, you say a “Nigerian” graduates top of the class. But Ikechukwu Abia is caught trafficking drugs, you say an “Igbo” man is caught with drugs abroad.

The Igbo man does his business and prosper, you people say they want to steal your land and rule over you. 90% of oil blocs in the South are owned by Northerners, you people do not say they have stolen someone’s land and resources.

The Igbos ask for the Presidency, you people laugh at them and say “over your dead body.” The North has rule Nigeria for over 38years and they keep threatening everyone else that they are being marginalized, and so they start bombing everywhere, you people say let’s negotiate with them.

Igbos vote for Jonathan, you people say they are myopic and tribalistic. The North and the West voted for Buhari, you people say it is called “change” and democracy.

Igbos rally behind Jimi Abaje, you people say they will drown in the lagoon. Ambode won, you people start cursing them.

Adamu Ciroma and co said “The North would make this country ungovernable if a Northerner does not become President” and “They’ll be no Nigeria if power does not return to the North”. You people call them “Elder Statesmen”,”Party Stalwart”, “Northern leader”, etc.

Nnamdi Kanu says the same thing but you people call him “a retard”, “treasonable criminal”, “war-monger”, “evil” and so on.

During the last elections, Radio and TV stations in the North play jihad songs while making anti-GEJ campaigns, say all sorts of things in Hausa, no newspaper headline asked for them to be banned. Of course you people call it politics.

Radio Biafra does same, all hell is let loose. You people say they spreading bigotry and dangerous propaganda.

Do you people have an IGBOPHOBIA? Of course not! No one will agree. But do you think the Igbos are a problem, everyone will raise their hands. But we ask, why don’t you let the Igbos separate and go their way, you people give me that terrorist look.

Dear landlords, just one question:

What do you want the Ibos to do to please you?

By Imoh “Son of David”

Thanking God Is Ridiculous

The day I was totally convinced that there is a close proximity between religious beliefs and mental illness was when a girl I was attempting to play bedroom soccer with said:
the reason she knows that God loves her so much and is so powerful was when she had a fatal accident and everyone (including her twin sister, her aunt and the driver) died. But she was the only one who survived.

When I asked her why an omnipotent God would save her and allow her twin sister and others die in the auto-crash, she defended: “because God loves me and I have a destiny.” When I asked “So you mean your twin sister did not have destiny and was not loved by the same God who saved you?” She kept silent and kept a squeezed face that read anger against me, like saying “this guy is offending me.”

Immediately, I heard this nonsense, everything that was erect on my body dropped and I abandoned every ambition of playing the intended bedroom soccer, and instead was battling on how to control myself from killing a mosquito on her face. I simply told her to leave to avoid any circumstance that will get either of us a doctor or a lawyer.

My friend, Inala Willie narrates how some people on board a bus were robbed on the highway and raped by armed robbers and afterwards the same people began saying they should thank sky-daddy because they were raped and robbed but NOT killed like others. Thus, God is faithful! There is something wrong with people with this sort of mentality.

You see, while you thank some sky-daddy that you were raped and not killed, another will thank sky-daddy after hearing your tale that they travel daily and nothing happens to them at all. Thus indirectly spiting at you and irking their alter-ego. Is that sky genie fair to both of you? If you are a religitard, there is nothing wrong about that.

You see, something is adversely wrong with the reasoning of religious folks. If you say there exist some omnipotent being, who is also merciful and omniscient but a rape and robbery happened under his watch and yet you say “thank you” to him or it, are you not encouraging him to be incompetent?

How many of you praise your government from failing to provide security for you or other citizens? The Nigerian religitard in particular shocks me more. Do you say to the government “thank you for protecting me because there is no boko haram attack in my vicinity” just because you hear of boko haram attacks in places far away from you? Don’t you all lambaste and get infuriated at the government when you hear the news of bomb blasts?

If you can lambaste and get infuriated at a mortal and less powerful, clueless, weak authority from failing to do their job well, why then do you praise an omnipotent, merciful, omniscient and perfect government who can do all things but refuses to do one simple task of protecting the innocent?

You see why there is something wrong about the religious mind? You expect a mortal authority of your state to be up to task in the protection of its citizens but when it comes to the failure of your sky-daddy, you instead say “in all things give thanks”, does it not tell that all is not well with your mind set?

If you get enraged that your mortal government cannot combat insurgency and revolt against it, why then do you think it is okay to praise an alpha, perfect authority, which according to you, can do ALL things and is perfectly GOOD, but ceases to be of help in a situation that demands intervention?

And your answer to this is:

“Do not question”

You think something is not wrong with your head?

Of course you think not; it is me whom you consider as the one whose head is in need of correction. The craziest part is that some of them say that if you do not praise sky-daddy that you’ll infuriate and hurt his feelings. How comical!

An omnipotent character, which is omniscient, merciful and everything good but cannot stop a robbery and a rape crime from taking place but will in turn get enraged because the rape and robbery victim does not give thanks to him, what possible can you label this Character?

The Abrahamic Sky-landlord!

The only good thing is that your sky genie is imaginary.

By Imoh “Son of David”

Only Ignorant and Bigoted Minds Hate Gay People

I do not understand why people who have no idea about science or are sparsely informed about a subject that is scientific in nature would go ahead to write and speak with authoritative arrogance in the area.

Why can’t people who don’t know shit about science keep quiet or ask questions, since carrying out research on the subject is like going to the moon for them? What even annoys me more is how they go all bonkers when someone attempts to correct them. They do not want to be corrected and cannot permit the excuse that they are ignorant on the subject.

There is nothing wrong if a person does not know a thing or speaks so lowly in the knowledge of the subject. But what is wrong is being arrogant in ignorance and remaining fixed also.

The first and truest way of finding out about the true nature of a subject matter is to get rid of all preconceived perceptions and prejudices from your mind. Whether you are for or against the subject. Maintain neutrality in the mind, delete whatever your preconceived idea and feelings fed you on the matter before you go ahead to inquire.

Why am I saying this?

How can someone who does not know what makes people or a person gay, pick-up a pen and start writing bullshit on the subject and in the end his ignorance descends him to bigotry. His source for this is none other but religious books.

Sharing links from religious and bigoted illiterates like yourself in order to support your bigoted ignorance is nothing more than a solidarity of similar bird-brains.

Please learn from people who do real research and exploration on the subject matter. Not people who are looking for ways to excuse or promote their bigotry and cover-up their religious embarrassment they call beliefs.

If you do not know why people are gay, let me explain it to you in the simplest scientific and the most realistic way.

The most accepted and provable explanation for this kind of behaviour comes from evolutionary genetics (if you do not what means, just ignore).

This simply explains that there are “GAY GENES”. I believe we all did biology in High school and so we should have an idea on what a “gene” is, but if you do not know, please ask, I’ll explain to you.

A person’s genetic make-up affects his sexual or mating preferences. This is equally found in other animals and so also in humans. Many genes affect human sexual orientation. However, since the word “gay” sounds a little “ickie” to some people, it is better to use the word “Male-loving” genes. These genes are responsible for these traits.

Let me just summarize it briefly before I make my post too long for those with phobia for reading.

Gays and lesbians are not demons! They are not criminals. They are configured that way from birth just like how you were configured by your own genetic make-up to be turned-on by the opposite sex. So please next time you come spewing bigoted ignorance on others, you have to first of all come up with an explanation for what you did to be admiring or finding the opposite sex attractive.

Besides their sexual genetic make-up, they are not different from you. Just like there is not much of difference between those born with gray hair or with certain features that are not common in others.

Since a long time ago, reasonable and advanced people have stop using religion and their socio-cultural bigotry to explain anything. Look at the world around you and the marvelous inventions and civilization of man, you will never see any marvel brought to the advancement of our kind by religion, primitive conceptions or cultural and personal bigotry on others.

I may make jokes on gay people and give them some taste of sarcasm just like I would make jokes on anyone or race of people, but that does not mean they are outcasts or any less human than myself.

So please don’t allow ignorance turn you to an irrepairable beast. However, I am still aware that some people will rather die and have gay people killed than accept any truthful explanation or reality that would see to the freedom and co-existence of others. But unknown to them, their ignorant bigotry will not stop the world from progressing either.

Thank you.

By Imoh “Son of David”