Category Archives: Society

The Agony Of The African Race

The Agony Of The African Race

“IF YOU CLOSE YOUR EYES TO FACTS, YOU WILL LEARN THROUGH ACCIDENTS”, says an African proverb. But what do you make of a man who willingly shuts his eyes, and after having consistent accidents blames his predicament and accidents on external forces? Such is the case of the modern day African/black man who has willfully shut his eyes to facts and has equally refused to learn through accidents.

As pulchritudinous and wise the above proverb sounds, one may be forced to admire the magnanimity of the brain and heritage of the mind that thought of this. This is in fact not new to African adages and proverbs; they are always full of wisdom that stand the taste of ages. Hence, it can be asserted that the African ancestry was fun of its coquetry in wisdom and knowledge. For civilization saw its birth place in the mother land.

But can this be said of the present day African and melanated people? Proverbs and wise words can’t be found in the lips of the today’s African, and he desires not to learn either. Today’s African man’s lips are fraught with baseless rhetoric, fatuous regurgitation of flawed texts (in the name of scriptures and verses of holy books) which saw to their slavery and subsequent downfall.

Unlike their ancestors who were men of wisdom and great craft, the children of lions have become sheep. The melanated man of today is an irony and an execration to his ancestors. He can’t cough-out wisdom or words of intelligence; his mind is wired to unethical and illiterate medieval texts in the name of Abrahamism and religion.

The ancestors of the Africans were educated and knowledgeable, even men like Plato came from afar to learn from them, had this to say:
“Compared with these black Egyptians, the Greeks are childish mathematicians.”
~ Plato – (429–347 B.C.E.).
Even Herodotus in his essay said this: “And upon his return to Greece, they gather around and asked, tell us about this great land of the black called Ethiopia.”- Herodotus

Unlike his ancestors who were mathematicians, scholars, educators, physicians, architects, men who were crafty in the art of the wise, their children are walking garbage. They have no knowledge of themselves and their ancestry. The modern black man’s brain is half-bibe/quran and half-bullshit. He boasts on his knowledge of the bible and quran which he barely reads or know and then thinks of himself to be a child of Abraham. How sad; for the offspring of the lion is now made to eat grass.

Today’s melanated man thinks that being called a SHEEP is a virtue, for he stands tall to utter “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want”, but this Son Of David right here says “The lord is not my shepherd for I am not sheep. I am a black panther; a lion and an eagle in trinity and non of the mentioned needs a shepherd; I am a shepherd and Lord to myself, and a sheep, I shall never be”.

How has the mighty fallen? In 1931 the Cameroonians contributed money to aid the Americans from the Great depression. Today, the Americans are threatening the Africans to corporate with their wishes or risk loosing financial “AIDES”. Back then, the whole world heard of the knowledge and science Africa possessed and men like Plato, Aristotle, Herodotus, Hypatia, etc came to study here. Today we can boast of nothing from our education sector.

Back then Ptolemy I (Soter) and the Roman emperor Constantine envied our spirituality so much, they stole the Horus, Isis, Osiris doctrines to reinvent to Jesus. Today the black man is more fanatic than the people who sold them this parody, he is even more convinced to be a Jew than the real Jew himself.

Why is the African man progressing in retrogression? Frederick Douglass, one of my favorite icons gave the answer better, saying “a man who is knowledgeable is unfit to be a slave”. The average African/ negro, who is likely religious is unknowledgeable and that makes him a slave of indoctrination and religion. The negro has a lack-luster attitude towards science and philosophy, how is he suppose to grow?

If you ask the religious black man about John 3:16, not only will he regurgitate it for you, he’ll feel so pompous and orgasmic about himself in his ability to quote a bible or a Qur’an verse.
If you ask him about electrons, protons and neutrons, he’ll act like you’re feeding him aspirin on mayonnaise. The world is ruled by knowledge. The ability of a race to pursue knowledge and engage in real education will give birth to power and total emancipation.

Galileo Galilei who knew this many centuries ago said: ” OF ALL THE HATREDS, NONE IS GREATER THAN THAT OF IGNORANCE AGAINST KNOWLEDGE.”

You cannot despise knowledge and science and expect to be prosperous and a master of today’s world. That is like expecting a car to move without selecting the gear. Knowledge and marriage to science is the gear of civilization and power, while religion is the sharp nail that deflate its tyres; you can’t get anywhere with it. While the rest of the world is in motion, we are busy deflating our tyres.
The choice is yours, my people

The Religious Africans and Their Disrespect For Ancestors

The Religious Africans and Their Disrespect For Ancestors

Today’s African despises his ancestors and insults his heritage, this is very common among the religious. Such an act alone is bequeathing of stupidity and tom foolery. Christopher Columbus who committed so much evil is still reverred by his people and the biblical David who committed so much evil and genocides is called a holy man by the Jews. The religious African spends energy praying meaningless prayers against his ancestors and thanks to Abrahamism he now calls his ancestors evil, who were highly intelligent people that brought the gift of civilization to mankind.

The African christian especially the Pentecostals spends a large part of their prayers casting and binding all “ancestral curses, sins and spirits”, whatever that means, I do not know. The only curse here is to call your ancestry demonic and idolatrous. I like using the Chinese as an epitome of emancipation, because they were colonized by the British, Japanese, French, etc but here they are today, standing tall in the affairs of the world and no one can say shit to them.

What did the Chinese do? The Chinese amongst other things revere their ancestors and heritage. You can never hear a Chinese speak evil about his ancestry, rather he worships, protects and adores her with gusto and that is their source of inspiration and drive. If you tell the Chinese shit about Mao Zedong or any of the ancient dynasties, you’re in it for the repercussion. Wu Zetian the only Chinese Empress who is known for her ruthlessness and barbarism would never be spoken ill of by the Chinese, but rather heritage sites associated to her dynasty are well preserved, protected and highly revered.

The same goes to the Japanese. Despite the despicable evil and all manners of atrocities that was committed by the Japanese autocracy in Word War 2, they still built shrines and museums for them and they have refused to condemn their war crimes. If you even want to condemn them against such action, they’ll even take it further and build more places in their honour.

What evil did the African ancestors do? How can you do better than your ancestors when you keep disrespecting and insulting them? Are they more evil than the British who burned their people on stakes in the name of witchcraft? Did they (African ancestors) go to another man’s land to destroy their craft, heritage and then take them back home as slaves? Did they go about forcing people to convert to their beliefs and accept their God as true and supreme? They were hospitable people and their hospitality betrayed them.

Their innocence of accommodation and open-arms was their Achilles heel, and they were taken advantage of. The Ashanti do not have a mass grave site for killing the Zulus neither did my Ibibios ancestry take the Ibos or any group of people on a ship and dump them in the middle of the Atlantic ocean, so what do you mean by calling your ancestors evil and sinners?

To disrespect your ancestors is to disrespect oneself and to curse your ancestry is to curse nature and yourself. The deluded African believer who spends time cursing his ancestors in so called prayers doesn’t even know his/her bible. Even the bible had this to say on this matter:

Proverbs 30:17 – “The eye [that] mocketh at [his] father, and despiseth to obey [his] mother, the ravens of the valley shall pick it out, and the young eagles shall eat it.”

Leviticus 20:9 – For every one that curseth his father or his mother shall be surely put to death: he hath cursed his father or his mother; his blood [shall be] upon him.

The universal law of nature hangs on recycling; garbage in, garbage out. Just like the rain pours on the ground for the heat of the sun to evaporate the moisture to the clouds and the clouds later on gives back the same rain, that is the same thing you get when you disrespect your ancestors; nature recycles your action and serves it to you willy-nilly. Those who were meant to learn need not wonder the symbolism of the illustration. A word is enough for the wise, they say.

Dahomey Amazons: African Female Warriors

Dahomey Amazons: African Female Warriors

The Dahomey Amazons or “MINO” were an all-female military in the ancient kingdom of Dahomey, now in the present day Benin Republic. Not only were they fierce fighters who could take on their male counterparts, they were great mothers and home-makers. They were equally referred to as “Mino” meaning “Our Mothers” in Fon dialet or “AHOSI”- King’s wives. They were also Priestesses who wore moon crowns.

King Agadja whose dynasty was from 1708 to 1732 had the Mino for bodyguards. Their expertise in military campaigns was second to non in those days such that through the orders of King Agadja, the Minos invaded and conquered the neighboring kingdom of Savi in 1727.

King Ghezo who ruled from 1818 to 1858 placed great importance on the minos, where he increased their military budget, arming them further with muskets.

The minos went through intensive military trainings, many were recruited voluntarily or through vodoun divination and many of them were virgins and were considered legally married to the King. Later on, males were recruited into the army but the females were in command of each military unit. The female soldeirs were stronger and braver than their male counter-parts and in most cases were more ruthless, for the enemies who fell to their feet were beheaded.

During the colonial and European encroachment into the African soil, the French led invasion against the Dhomean kingdom under King Benhazin in 1890. The Minos fought bravely against the French invaders and won in the 1st campaign. After a retreat, the French forces returned with their FOREIGN LEGION which had more superior fire power, numbers alongside marine and calvary infantry, inflicted so much casualty on the ancient Kingdom and mino warriors.

The Europeans who saw these great African warriors called them “Dhomey Amazons” and wrote their incredible courage and audacity.

A woman by name Nawi was the last surviving Dahomey Amazon, who died in 1979.

Contrary to what we have today, the African woman has always been bold, brave, courageous and symbolic of the African lioness. The black spirit isn’t that of a sheep. Today, the children of the lioness has been made to eat grass, smh!
Salute to the spirits of these great African mothers and warriors.

The Darkness of Religion

The Darkness of Religion

There is no face-saving excuse religion can shop for itself in this new age of information and science. I was unfortunate to stumble upon an excuse by religious apologist, who in his desire to rescue his ass from cognitive dissonance argued that religion brought education and science into the world. He even went ahead to enumerate that the Catholic missionary built schools in Africa and parts of the world. I cannot ascertain whether or not the individual was being willfully dishonest or it was mere self-expression from ignorance.

Religion never supported science and enlightenment even till date, because it survives and thrives on the ignorance and gullibility of people. If people start thinking and being enlightened, who will believe their shit? There is a timeline in earth’s history called “THE DARK AGES”. It is not called DARK AGES because there was no electricity or power, it earned its name because it was the time religion ruled the world, to be precised, the church. It was in those days when men were beheading in the name of God (which of course is still happening today in the name JIHADISM and Mohammedism). When these religious people hear the word CRUSADE, they think it means some church banner praise and worship, sermon preaching stuffs. Crusading was part of the dark ages when the gospel was spread through blood and sweat. And those who bled by the sword were the men who refused to convert. How can religion be ever forgiven? The church’s foundation is built upon genocide, torture and slave trade.

The church, more than any organized institution in the history of mankind, has silenced and spilled the blood of many great scientists, philosophers, and men in the name of God, blasphemy and heresy. Many materials which were educational, has been destroyed in the name of “HERESY”. Men like Galileo learned from this at their own peril. Galileo Galilei who asserted that the earth is not flat and revolves around the sun was dealt with severely, because it contradicts what is described of the earth in the bible. As matter of fact this is what Cardinal Bellarmine, 1615, during the trial of Galileo said: “to assert the earth revolves around the sun is erroneous as to claim that Jesus was not born of a virgin.” Now that we know Galileo was right, the church should admit also that Jesus was not born of a virgin.

The barbarism, intellectual darkness and crass arrogance of ignorance of the religious made the time to be termed a dark age. In 2007, Christopher Hitchens was at a radio studio in Dublin debating with a Roman Catholic Church spokesman. How fortunate of him to do that, for if it were in the dark ages, Hitchens and this Son of David right here would be burned at stake or beheaded to the glory of the Jewish Janitor. All assertions and claims of the religious has been disclaimed and proven false through science today,and that is why religion never liked science one bit but they’ll still want to use scientific inventions to spread their fallacies like going on TV and radio, using the microphone and digital devices to broadcast that Science is an enemy of God and only Jesus can save but in the end they’ll end up going to the hospital when they are sick. When they get well, they come again and say it’s Jesus that healed them.

The reason why the so called missionaries built schools was to institutionalized and inculcate their doctrines in children. Religion only survives through indoctrinating children who’ll be raised into zombies at adulthood. These schools don’t uphold evolution, they uphold creationism, the same goes to the Islamic schools, and they are all built to promote their doctrines using pseudo-science and made-up garbages to support their own personal claims. Education is no education if an individual is taught to think only in a certain type of way. The countries with the highest rates of illiteracy and lowest IQs are the religious nations; let me now ask, of what impact is their so called pseudo-education? If you ask me, Africa is in her DARK AGE.

Vodoo, Juju and The Ancestral Powers Part 1

My paternal uncle in the village, a self-acclaimed wizard sometime in 2007 after patrimonial disagreement, threaten to use “MBAIM” on yours truly. MBIAM is a highly feared voodoo or “juju” in my native place which is believed to possess powers to terminate the life of an individual or strike the designated person with an incurable ailment. As stubborn and disbelieving this Son of David right here has always been, I told him to go and pour the Mbiam and do his worst. Many years passed and here I am.

Sometime last year, I decided to pay a traditional visit to my kinsmen in the village to acknowledge my ancestors, spirits of the land and greet all and sundry and make amends with the kinsmen. My kinsmen are of royalty lineage called “OBONG” in my native dailet, in other words I am from a family of OBONGS and MKPON-OWO (Big and powerful people or ancestors). Like tradition demands, I took along the necessary gifts which included the African she-goat.

After much lengthy talks, I presented my gifts to the “EKPUK” (kinsmen), shockingly, they rejected them, telling me they’ll have to think about it before receiving them. I was passively angry and lashed back at them with witty proverbs and sensational rhetoric which threw them into guilt and self-defense saying they are not rejecting my gifts, but rather the entire EKPUK is not present at the moment, but we should fix a date to make it very official and traditional, and I agreed to it.

On the set date, on reaching the large ancestral compound, a “busy-body” who is kind of related called me on side to gossip what was happening behind my back. He told me that a few of them out of fear of me, went to consult voodoo or an oracle to find-out whether my gifts were poisoned or meant as a trap to kill them. As ridiculous as it sounds, I laughed so hard, that he pleaded with me to reduce my voice. He went ahead to enumerate that my paternal uncle (the self-acclaimed wizard) took my name to a native priest sometime ago to hurt me, but the juju instead told him “IBOK ISI TAGHA IBOK”, translation “Juju doesn’t feed on another juju”. According to him, since then, my uncle has been on the leash to spread to anyone who cares to listen that I am a WIZARD or whatever. Again, I busted into an uncontrollable guffaw, and he really felt uncomfortable with it begging me not to disclose this to them. He went ahead to enumerate how their consultations to the oracle went: when they asked the oracle whether I am wizard, a member of some occult and if I possessed some spiritual powers or whatever, but the Oracle never responded with a yes or no. All the oracle told them was that, I had no intention to hurt them and my gifts are neither poisoned or charmed.

After all and sundry was prepared, one of the elders stood-up and spoke saying : “We initially weren’t sure about these gifts; these days a lot of things happen, young men do not allow elders sleep at night all in the name of SECRET SOCIETY. So we went to pray about this and…..” before he could say anything further, the rest of the elders interrupted him and one of them said “we are not into long talks here. All what you’re saying is unnecessary, we are happy for this our son here, who has come to his home to acknowledge us, let’s just get into business”, the rest agreed in unison, like they were avoiding something.

My eyes eventually made contact with the gossip guy and his eyes were like saying “I told you”. Isn’t it laughable when a self-acclaimed wizard calls someone else a wizard? I am no fan of superstitions and fairytale, but this is what I’ve come to learn about these things:

First all, the mind is a substance of great power, where the power to wield good and evil lies in it thereof, those who tap into it en mass will wield great power…..

Part 2……………….

As easy As The Nigerian Music

Nowadays no one gives a hoot about the lyrics or the words of the song, as long as we hear the beat it is a done deal. As a matter of fact we don’t even know the words to the song all we know is the chorus which echoes in rhythm to the beat the same four words for us. The Nigerian producers and musicians don’t even give a damn as long as they go to the club and hear the DJs play their stuff, pick some fine chics and their video gets featured on Sound City, then its classified a HIT! Lol. And of course its not a Nigerian song if there are no phrases like “pop champagne” “whine your waist”, “I don hammer”, “Chop ishewu, pepper soup and turkey”, “Baba God do am for me”, “spend money”, “Jolly”, etc. Sometimes our musicians make me think I can become one of them after all if I can come up with a word play like “Now I don get MONEY dem girls call me HONEY, mamma and Papa come make we JOLLY, make we chop Ishewu and TURKEY…”. Then for the chorus I’ll add something nice like “Make we dance AJAKATAKU!” After all nobody will care to ask what AJAKATATU means. As long as a good DJ is on the beat and Clarence Peters shots the video, then it’s a done deal! You just have to love Nigerian music. We are really an amazing breed in the country.

Hypocrisy and The Nigerian Society

Gone are the days they use to say “as poor as a church rat”, nowadays the church rat is as well-to-do as Aliko Dangote’s dog. If the church rat smuggles her way into a Nigerian preacher’s suitcase, say Bishop Oyedepo, he has become a “Private Jet rat”. One of the worst professions anyone can choose to become on earth are: Nigerian Physicist (atomic, molecular, applied physics or whatever),  Nigerian psychologist, Nigerian radiologist, Nigerian nuclear scientist lol, Nigerian Philosopher and economist (unless of course you’re a lecturer in the field and can impose on your students to buy your books compulsorily), Nigerian Botanist, Nigerian evolution scientist, Nigerian astronaut, Nigerian Christian rapper and even singer, etc. And one the best Career decisions you can make in life is to become a Nigerian pastor or prophet, Nigerian militant or insurgent, Nigerian politician and maybe the Nigerian journalist. Aside the Nigerian Pastor and prophet, the rest of them, if you can make it through aggressively without getting killed for at least 5 years, then its a done deal!
Is it not funny how Nigeria which prides itself as the most religious nation happens to be the one of the worst places anyone can choose to become a gospel artiste? Is it not funny how the secular Nigerian musician gets patronize more than the gospel artiste? Wiz Kid, Davido, Iyanya, P-Square, Timaya, D’banj and co are fairing better than the gospel artistes in the most religious nation on earth. You can clearly see a case of hypocrisy and contradiction on the part of the Nigerian consumer who professes God but patronizes the secular.

However, a gospel artiste like the Christ Embassy’s Sinach is doing better than her counterparts partly because she enjoys an overwhelming support from Pastor Chris Onyakhilome. How she got that lucky we don’t know but we should bear in mind that the church more than any organization has one of the nastiest politicking imaginable, as such we should not be surprised if she was introduced to a “New Level Of Grace” like Ese Walter who was a prey of Grace *just saying*. But one cannot deny she is very gifted with her voice.  If Nigerians are truly what they profess themselves to be, there would have been no market for the likes of Wiz Kid, Davido, Timaya and co. Gospel artistes would have been the consumers favorite. But then, I forgot that religion, among other things makes a person self-righteous and hypocritical without the consent of the individual.

God(s) ought not be thanked

The theist and religious may in their customary routine find it desirous to appraise the sky-daddy on their birthdays, in fact some of them do that everyday, owing it pledgeful to thank some God as a gratitude for bestowing life on them. Their plight, I understand very well, for in my times of “religitardness”, I thought same, but now, I am free from such idiosyncrasy.

Many will consider themselves very BLESSED or recipient of some kind of GRACE, BENEVOLENCE and MERCY from whatever they consider as God. This indeed, I thought as much when my senses was under the administration of indoctrination and fable tales.

Contrary to what the religious thinks of his being alive, the truth is that being alive is a CURSE; a burden of the flesh. Better is the unborn than the born or the living. Even the dead is better than the living. The be alive is a burden; the burden of paying bills, the burden of working hard, the burden of gossip, the burden of prayers, the burden of hopes/wishes and disappointment, the burden of sickness and escaping death, the burden of enmity, etc. While the living is on the conscious fight of trying to postpone his death sentence, he doesn’t want to come to terms with the reality that being alive is like being a criminal whose death sentence is pending and could be decided anytime and anywhere.

The religious more than anyone is convinced that his being alive is indeed a gift from God. This indeed is a misconception from medieval consciousness and mentality of religious indoctrination. How can you call something that would be taken from you willy-nilly a GIFT? This is a skew-whiff understanding of what a gift is. A thing is considered a “GIFT” if it’s yours forever. If you claim someone gave something to you as a GIFT, then he’ll come back later to take it from you, how is that a gift? The foremost characteristic and attribute of a GIFT is that the recipient of this GIFT has an autonomy over this said GIFT, but if you ask the believer he’ll assert “MY LIFE IS OWNED BY GOD”. If your life is owned by a God how does that make your life a GIFT from God? The notion is irreconcilable.

“There is no greater happiness than freedom from Worry, and there is no greater wealth than contentment”, says Lao Tsu. Who is truly a man of contentment, great happiness and free from worry? If you ask this Son Of David here, I’ll give it you succinctly that the unborn and the dead are truly the happiest of all, for they are free from worry and are absolutely contented in their state, for there is no greater wealth than this.

I have no deity to thank, other than nature. I did not ask to be born, neither did I apply for life on earth, if at all there is a God that is responsible of my being, he owes me an apology for bringing me here without my consent, for sending me to this place under duress and without sheer negotiation with me. So what the heck do you mean by I should be grateful to someone who I haven’t seen and whose name has caused more mishap than cocaine? He should have said to me “Hey Son Of David, do you wanna be born a Nigerian, do you wanna be born in the 1980s, do you wanna be born tall, short, fat, Hindu, etc? He sent me here without my consultation, approval and consent. In real sense, if that God you people refer to exists, he owes me apologies and payment of damages in excesses than I owe him a single thanks.

Well, I am here now on this planet, so I’ll do the best of my living to the uttermost surfeit of my essence. I live life creatively and make an art out of my existence. Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. Succinctly, I make art out of life.

“Hey Son of David how can say that, you have blaspheme God, blah blah blah…”, the religious may say. Bertrand Russell said “.. And if there were a God, I think it very unlikely that He would have such an uneasy vanity as to be offended by those who doubt His existence”. It’s not “god” that will take offence to what I’ve said it always humans. And here is another one to the religious: “If there is a god maybe it rewards those who don’t believe on the basis of insufficient evidence―and punishes those who do.”
― Peter Boghossian.

“Son of David why is that you like saying these things against God and religion?” The irritated may ask. Well, this is why: My friend, I don’t know how to pretend, that is a fault from God! I never wanted to be irreligious or an unbeliever, I just wanted to read the bible and all the so called holy books then applied my common sense, well, here I am.

“Everything God has made has a crack”~Ralph Waldo Emerson. So if you claim God made me and knew me before I was conceived, I think he already knew that this Son Of David right here will be this way, so he loves me the way I am, after-all you claim he knows the end from the beginning. Well, it’s a good thing that he is imaginary!

The religious man is one who holds one book (which he has barely read) to be sacrosanct and infallible and closes his common sense to anything that refutes it. The difference between this Son of David here and the religious is that I have read the bible, quran, book of Mormon, Tripitaka (the sacred book of Buddhism) and many others. I can confidently tell you that “GOD” is an invention of man. All those books are hokum and gobbledygook. Well, I’ll excuse the Tripitaka because it has some sense than the bible, quran, and  book Mormon. I have studied extensively on the personalities of Buddha, Mohammed and the biblical Jesus, I can confidently say that all of them (if they existed) have trends of psychos and schizophrenic patients especially Mohammed. Buddha was more learned, philosophical, reasonable, humbled and well-mannered than the other two.

Dreams and Superstitions pt3

Dreams are just dreams, they aren’t called “DREAMS” because they are real. if it were real, nobody would have called it a DREAM. What happens in the dream stays in the dream.  Dreams are ways of the mind playing games on us, it is simply the subconscious expressing itself. If you dream of yourself holding money, no matter how real and good it feels, you will never wake up with a dime.

When a man sleeps, he is analogous to a car on auto-drive without a conscious driver or chauffeur behind the wheels or the steering.  Like the car without a driver, the mind tours to wherever it pleases and regurgitates images that are already registered in the subconsciousness.  For example, a man who watched a porn video or desirous of a particularly attractive lady is likely to dream about sleeping with a woman, maybe not that same day, but as long as his mind, the subconscious has captured the event and image, the likelihood of the subconscious replaying it to him in different forms is very high. It may not replay to the person the exact way the porn video appeared, but it may make up an image of any beautiful or sexy woman to comprehend his deepest desire and fantasy.

Some people may say they never watched any porn neither do they desire to have sex or lust after anyone, like I heard a religious lady argue, trying to assert that having sex in the dream is DEMONIC or a so called SPIRITUAL ATTACK. She even went ahead to enumerate that she hasn’t had sex in a long time and does not even desire to. The truth is that those who claim they not have sex in reality are more likely to have sex in the dreams than anyone else. The reason is that, their inability to satisfy their innate human want which is sex, has forced their body to get it for them unconsciously or through the subconsciousness. Sex is a human necessity, whether you deny it or not. It is part of the subconscious. When you willfully deny your body this for any reason known to you, your subconscious, which is naturally configured to be sexual and responsive to the innate desire will pick up images to the mind while its asleep (auto-drive), to satisfy its lust and innermost silent crave. There is no “SPIRITUAL ATTACK”, or whatever about it, it is simply nature playing itself.

Others claim that getting married in the dream is demonic. This is highly superstitious and illiterate. Religion which thrives on fantasy, fear and superstition has buried this medieval buffoonery into people through the pastorpreneurs who are out to capitalize on everything. If one should observe very well, those who have these kind of dreams, are desperate singles who are hungry for marriage and the warmth of a spouse. Once your mind gets disturbed about a thing and desires it so much, the subconscious naturally receives it, and in  its desire to create a balance in the mind, it releases the fantasies and desires of the individual via dreams to saturate the mind and ease the burden of desperation and discomfort on the consciousness of the person in question.

The same goes to a man that is broke or in dire need of money. Poor people, among many other things will dream of having money, driving cars, or whatever they desire so much. This is simply their mind in its subconsciousness level of operation doing justice to the individual’s wishes. Some people in many cases who are inundated with sobriety, hopelessness and low self-esteem including pessimism, will naturally have have dreams depicting of poverty, disappointment and hopelessness, because their pessimism has over-shadowed everything about them. These things are practical common sense and psychology of the subconscious at work, and not some superstitious witchcraft or whatever as the pastorpreneurs portray them and put fear in the minds of people just to reap from their ignorance.

Only the illiterate, fearful, ignorant and superstitious fall prey to these absurdities.

pt 4…………..

Dreams and Superstitions Pt2:

…. From the previous note on the subject….
So this female friend went ahead to enumerate that she innocently patronized Pastor B. According to her, Pastor B began calling her on the phone and giving her so called VISIONS from the lord. The vision included that she should spend 7 days in the house of the bachelor preacher to chase away the “evil dreams and spirits”. Day1, Day2 passed, on the night of Day3 pastor had another vision that she should spend the 3rd night in his room, so that he can travel into the “realm of the spirit” and confront the spirit. She said she did as the “man of God” commanded because the bible says “believe in his servant, and you shall prosper”.

To put the story succinctly, Pastor B, in his desire to travel to the “REALM OF THE SPIRIT”, needed to have an erection then a penetration subsequently, to ENTER into this so called REALM. Pastor B’s dick began trespassing boundaries as his fingers were trying to locate her panties. It was there her senses came to her that Pastor B has a dick and dicks have realms they love function in.

After much dragging and wrestling, she grabbed his two eggs and he automatically became a child and humbled himself before her. 5 am in the morning she took her bags and left in disappointment. 1 week later she became a church sermon in the lips of Pastor B as an agent of Satan sent to tempt him which he overcame. He warned the church members to stay away from her or the curse of the lord will be upon them. The church in unison prayed against her to die by fire, by thunder.

The incident took place in 2011. Since her ordeal, she never went to church and like every free-thinker, after carefully studying the jewish book of bedtime stories, she realized her intelligence is too big for this shit. Last saturday was her marriage. No prayers, no prophecy, no fasting, it is simply que sera sera- what was meant to be, will be.

Pt 3…..